Ah, the Plot Thickens


You reduce the sauce on the stove and it thickens. Wait a while longer and it thickens even more. I found the same principle in my writing. Time spent editing, re-writing, with more input from beta readers, etc. and the plot thickened.

Now, I have reached the point where I am ready to take my manuscript “off the heat” and send it out to a few select literary agents. Has anything changed? Yes, plenty – and especially the main plot. It is far better and brings together the key elements of my story in a more powerful and complete way.

What to do when your writing sucks

It’s a common problem – the writing is flowing and the ideas are getting put down onto your draft manuscript. However, when editing, you come across awkward text – difficulties in the character development, plot or setting. What I have learned (the hard way) is that the best action in this case is to cut the text. That’s right, by cutting the text you eliminate the obstacle and help the flow of the book. If it’s not necessary, then get rid of it! From my experience, authors need a good editor to point out what is not working. When they do, it’s time to erase the culprit, reduce the word count, and move on. Do the same with poor storylines and out-of-place characters. My TIP: if you can’t afford a full editing service, at the very minimum get a professional editor to check your first few chapters.

Perspective-Part I

It’s been a while since I last posted, but a trip to Europe and some more professional editing has taken up much of my time. I should be ready to try querying agents next week for my new thriller. Until then, I thought it worth mentioning character perspective in a novel. Perspective is, per the definition, a point of view. However, I think we often ignore or gloss over perspective in our writing. For example, perspective changes with age, gender and upbringing. When my wife and I were in France, it was easy to spot the tourists – they were the ones trying too hard to look French! How so? By wearing berets and looking ‘different’. From their own perspective, they were trying to fit right in, but from our perspective, they were decidedly foreign. So, I have been working harder on correcting the perspective of my characters and fleshing out details to engage the readers’ interest in the plot.

People Watching

So, the vacation comes to an end – well, soon. After a month in Europe it is a relief to be heading home with many new experiences to build into my next book. The main goal on this trip was not to produce another novel, but a photo book entitled “Faces of Europe.” I have accumulated a large number of “people photos” to add to the book, but the time away has also given me space to think about “Faces of Europe” is more depth. In fact, people watching is really observing a reflection of life. Europe is not just about Europeans; it is about the melting pot of Asians, Africans, Chinese, Indian, and Western and Eastern Europeans; it is about war and power struggles – D-Day celebrations and the war in Ukraine; it is about a cold war and a hot summer; of high prices and low wages; Olympic celebrations and the struggle to survive; it’s about Palestinian protests and threats of terrorism. “Faces of Europe” has become more complex than I imagined. There is nothing simple about Europe and it will be a challenge to assemble my photographs to reflect the joy, struggles and diversity I noticed through my lens. During my short stay in Europe I did manage a little minor editing on my new thriller, and even visited Menton – a place on the French Riviera that features in my first thriller, 3 WISE MEN. However, I didn’t feel that any changes needed to be made to the Menton details.

The Inverse Parabola

The more I write, the more I find myself believing in the inverse parabola. What do I mean? It’s like this—writing a novel keeps adding words and as the words increase the number of chapters grow too. words–>chapters–>book. At the peak of the writing output (the vertex if you like) the book is finished. But when the editing takes place, the number of words decrease again, like a descending parabola. From my own experience, this editing reduces the word count and often the number of chapters too. This reduction is sometimes painful, cutting out unnecessary dialogue/action/description. What is left is tighter writing, more immediacy and greater tension. Show me a writer who is increasing their word count and I can guess they are still working on an unfinished draft; show me a writer who is reducing their word count, and I know they are heading for a finished finished draft, ready for their literary agent and/or publisher.

The Last Chapter

The last post was discussing chapters and letting them sit for some time before the final editing process. In my final chapter I came across this line:

The walls are bathed in orange and the sea is dotted with boats scurrying home.
Nothing special here, but perhaps I could change one word, giving me,
The walls are bathed in orange and the sea is scattered with boats scurrying home.
Ah, that sound better. “scattered” implies disorder and chaos – like boats scattered by a strong wind. But “scurrying” might be awkward? I may have to revisit this sentence again?

Editing is Like Rotating Wine Bottles in a Cellar

There is much debate and mystery to the idea of having to turn wine bottles to improve their flavour and consistency.

My book has 86 chapters and I look on each one as a bottle of wine, lying on shelves in a cellar. And each, like a good wine, needs to be left to age, then turned from time to time. I have left the ageing process alone and now feel that I am in the final stages of turning each bottle – that is, carefully editing each chapter and checking that it is ready for publication. I hope that when it is, it will taste and feel special to my readers, with no wasted words or any sentences that fail to support the “label”.  Which segues nicely to the role of wine in my new book. Wine does indeed have a place or two, but only when characters meet. Of course, too much wine can lead to problems and this may well happen to one or two of my characters. All will be revealed in due course.

Editing for Incremental Improvement

Incremental improvement means taking small steps consistently. This can lead to massive growth and change.” I share this to explain what I am doing, as a writer, to improve my book each day until it gets published. My recent editing has been taking time to make small changes to improve each paragraph, page and chapter. But, and it’s a big but, I have to do this consistently in order to see the results. I just hope my readers do too :-).


When writing, the plot and characters are uppermost in my mind. It’s a subconscious thing and I find myself thinking about events in my novel while drifting off to sleep, only to have them punctuated by fresh thoughts. These make me force myself awake and make the necessary changes while they are fresh – “I’ll forget them in the morning,” I tell myself. There a catch though. In the morning, have to check that the new thought fits the storyline and doesn’t detract from it or overwhelm it; it has to enhance it to be effective. Ah the joys of ruminating – just going over and over my novel, like cows chewing grass:


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